Switch from a Fixed to a Growth Mindset

Veröffentlicht am 19.02.2018
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How To Beco­me More Adap­ta­ble To Change: 

The ever-chan­ging eco­no­my and busi­ness envi­ron­ments requi­re manage­ment to adapt and grow. The big ques­ti­on is: How? Num­ber one lea­der­ship skill is not talent, nor expe­ri­ence, it’s the adap­ta­bil­ty to chan­ge that will deter­mi­ne how suc­cessful one will be. Bee­ing able to make decis­i­ons not from a „that’s the way we alwas did it“ per­spec­ti­ve to „we should try new things“, is key. But first you will have to switch form a fixed to a growth mind­set.

Let the robots march in – we are fine with a growth mindset

Peter S. Good­man wro­te an artic­le in the The New York Times about the way Swe­den is mana­ging the rise of auto­ma­ti­on and how they adapt to chan­ge wit­hout lea­ving no one behind.

„The jobs dis­ap­pear, and then we train peo­p­le for new jobs. We won’t pro­tect jobs. But we will pro­tect workers.” – Ylva Johans­son Swe­dish minis­ter for employ­ment and integration

While peo­p­le around the world are get­ting anxious about the upri­se of auto­ma­ti­on, Swe­den is set­ting an excep­tio­nal exapm­le. Their visi­on is, to enable their peo­p­le to dri­ve inno­va­ti­on and set their mind­set to growth. Five goals have been set to fill that visi­on with life and is also an ide­al road­map for com­pa­nies to tack­le the chal­lenges of digi­tal transformation :

  • Digi­tal skills
  • Digi­tal security
  • Digi­tal innovation
  • Digi­tal infrastrukture
  • Digi­tal leadership
But what about the Ger­man mindset?

Are the CEOs, Heads of and Direc­tors at Ger­man com­pa­nies rea­dy to switch their gear to growth? In the face of com­ple­xi­ty and chan­ge, shif­ting your fixed to growth mind­set is the only way, to not only cope, but to also make the jour­ney of chan­ge more human and smart.

  1. ASK DIF­FE­RENT QUES­TI­ONS:The ques­ti­ons you usual­ly ask, will also only get you the sort of ans­wers you usual­ly get. But the­se kind of ques­ti­ons are­n’t any help in fin­ding new ide­as. Be bra­ve and push yours­elf to ask more unsu­al ques­ti­ons like: “What is most surprising.…..
  2. ACCEPT MUL­TI­PLE PER­SPEC­TI­VES: Here’s the key–not try­ing to con­vin­ce anyo­ne that we’re right. Noo­ne­Keep asking yours­elf, “In what ways .
  3. CON­SIDER THE BIG­GER PIC­TU­RE: It’s like wat­ching a game of ice hockey: If you fol­low the puck with your eyes, you’ll be lost. If you zoom out and look at the big­ger pic­tu­re the pat­terns of the play­ers on the ice, you’ll see the game. 
  4. EXPE­RI­MENT AND LEARN: When it’s time to act, com­ple­xi­ty calls for a series of safe-to-fail expe­ri­ments. If you deci­de there’s some­thing not quite right about your cul­tu­re, avo­id the typi­cal solu­ti­on of mea­su­ring the cul­tu­re +cul­tu­re chan­ge pro­gram. Ins­tead, look for unex­pec­ted places and try new things

Chan­ge. Sim­ply Different

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