HHL’s Sum­mer School 2020

Veröffentlicht am 02.07.2020
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Wel­co­me to HHL’s Sum­mer School 2020

I app­re­cia­te to take part of the HHL Sum­mer School and to uploa­de the uni­que new HHL Lea­der­ship Frame.

In this year’s Sum­mer School for PhD stu­dents „Mas­te­ring non-line­ar chan­ge“ HHL will dis­cuss with seni­or experts which insights are pro­ving their worth and whe­re we need to rethink in times of the cur­rent cri­sis. With the Leip­zig Lea­der­ship Model, HHL has deve­lo­ped an ori­en­ta­ti­on frame­work to ask the ques­ti­ons and focus atten­ti­on. What does it tell us for the cur­rent crisis?

On July 6th and 7th more than 60 doc­to­ral stu­dents will enga­ge with the ques­ti­on of how we can design a post-pan­de­mic lea­der­ship context.

The event will be co-hos­ted by Prof. Johan­nes Mei­er and Prof. Dr. Timo Meyn­hardt. Guest lec­tu­re are the for­mer CEO of XING, Dr. Tho­mas Voll­moel­ler, the CEO of Con­tas KG #zukunft­mensch­lich­ma­chen 2000 Roald Mus­pach and the two renow­ned exe­cu­ti­ve coa­ches and book aut­hors Dr. Anke Hou­ben and Dr. Kai W. Dierke.

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