When crises transform purpose in East Germany
Roald Muspachs lecture for HHL Summer School.
„Crises radically transform the cultural patterns of value.“
When crisis transform purpose in East Germany
Radical transformation of social purpose of GDR entities. - 2020 PANDEMIC CRISIS
Transformation of being human from means for the purpose to the purpose itself. - JULY 2020 DECARBONISATION
Exit of coal-mining and power pants.
Transformation of the purpose of entities.
How to find trustfulness by leading purpose driven companies in East mGermany
The key to truthfulness is the challenge to explore a dominant purpose because of the triple crisis narrative.
From Purpose quest via purpose routine to to purpose review.
Purpose is an origin story of specific memories and experiences that affected our lives and shaped who we are.
There are always opportunities and needs to make sense of existence.
You can develop a new purpose at any time, provided that previous cultural patterns are connectable narratives.
The Cultural DNS as a frame for a purpose driven leadership
We must DE-IDEOLOGIZE the signature ideas in order to REACTIVATE THE VALUE of collective performance terms for the future to USE THEM FOR QUALITATIVE GROWTH.
QUALITATIVE GROWTH is the formula from the awareness of cultural patterns for our concept of achievement, which is based on the ideas of the social signature.
Therefore it is crucial to deal with or evaluate the signature ideas of social systems that invite reflection, particularly in crises.